Friday, December 2, 2016

Caldo Gallego (Gallcian Soup)

What you need: 
9 cups of water
1/2 bag of dried white navy beans (or one can)
2 spanish chorizos sliced
1/2 a red onion (chopped into small pieces)
4 garlic cloves (smashed and minced)
2 yellow skin potatoes
1 teaspoon of adobo (or less or more to your liking)
3/4 to 1 cup of collard greens

Soak your dried bean in water 3-4 hours

Rinse your Greens, remove stems where possible, roll the leaves and slice; set aside

Slice Chorizo

Dice your ham (if you have a bone in it; leave it there)

Dice your onion

Smash and mince your garlic

Slice and chop 2 medium sized golden potatoes

Heat pot, throw in chorizo and ham until brown

Add your onion and garlic and let it sauté a bit

Add your greens, potatoes and greens

Add 8 cups of water; let it cook on medium to high heat for about half hour; then add another cup of water because it evaporates s after some time; add your adobo (don't over do it; the ham releases the salty flavors after about 20 minutes to half hour).

Once the beans have softened, it's ready to serve.  If you decide to use canned beans, it will cut the cooking time in half.

Buen Provecho!

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